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Women Open to Modern European Nations

Diffusion Newsletter n°2 France Lycée France, Diffusion, Erasmus+, Lycée

Diffusion Newsletter n°2 France Lycée

27 Mars 2021

VIC What makes a (wo)man France, Erasmus+, College, Victims

VIC What makes a (wo)man

First, students answered to the question “How would you define stereotypes?” and “What are some typical examples?”....

23 Mars 2021

ODD Articles stereotyped images or not France, Erasmus+, Objects of desire, College

ODD Articles stereotyped images or not

From a collection of magazines, the students in pairs cut out pictures and tried to determine whether in their...

23 Mars 2021

OOD The image of women in advertising France, Erasmus+, Objects of desire, College

OOD The image of women in advertising

During the first session, the students worked in pairs and each group studied two adverts . We chose modern adverts...

23 Mars 2021

ODD Articles women in movies France, Erasmus+, Objects of desire, College

ODD Articles women in movies

Students searched for films or series presenting a female character combating problem of social exclusion or sexism....

23 Mars 2021

GLE "Women from our community" Italy, College, Giving life and Educating

GLE "Women from our community"

The students have been researching, among the female figures from Apulia, our region, and our hometown Cerignola,...

20 Mars 2021

OOD SALOME "fin de siècle", from literature to art France, Objects of desire, Lycée, Erasmus+

OOD SALOME "fin de siècle", from literature to art

After studying the character of Salome in two rewritings of a biblical myth from different genres, cultures and...

17 Mars 2021

CREA International day of women and girls in science on February 11th France, Creative, Erasmus+, Lycée

CREA International day of women and girls in science on February 11th

First the students are divided into 2 groups 1-A part of the class creates a Powerpoint slide on a woman scientist...

17 Mars 2021

SPO International Women's Sports Day on January, 24th France, Lycée, Sporty, Erasmus+

SPO International Women's Sports Day on January, 24th

First the students are divided into 2 groups 1-A part of the class carries out a survey among their high school...

17 Mars 2021

OOD SALOME, A sensual Temptress OOD, France, Lycée, Erasmus+

OOD SALOME, A sensual Temptress

First of all, the students discover the episode of the decollation of John the Baptist reading : -extracts from...

17 Mars 2021

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