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Women Open to Modern European Nations

SPO Romania College Sports Volunteering - Play and grow Romania, Erasmus+, College, Sporty

SPO Romania College Sports Volunteering - Play and grow

Sports Volunteering - Play and grow Nature #communication, sport skills # teamwork skills work together as a team...

25 Août 2021

CRE Romania Lycee Creative In someone else’s shoes Romania, Erasmus+, Lycée, Creative

CRE Romania Lycee Creative In someone else’s shoes

Story/scenario of a short film In someone else’s shoes Writing, creative skills; linguistic and communication skills;...

25 Août 2021

Women’s struggle for survival in contemporary society Romania, Erasmus+, Lycée, Giving life and Educating

Women’s struggle for survival in contemporary society

Pole Giving life and educating Women’s struggle for survival in contemporary society Skills targeted - critical...

25 Août 2021

CRE Romania College Creative Balloon Debate Romania, Erasmus+, Creative, College

CRE Romania College Creative Balloon Debate

CREARO Balloon Debate Students are asked to choose two professions, e.g. housewife vs working mother. They work...

25 Août 2021

 CRE Lycee TIME CAPSULE Romania, Erasmus+, Objects of desire, College


In small groups, students agreed on a list of ten objects (objects belonging to and representing girls) to put...

25 Août 2021

OOD The object woman France, Erasmus+, Objects of desire, Lycée

OOD The object woman

First, the students studied the myth of Pygmalion and Galatea through a translation of Ovid's « Metamorphoses »...

8 Août 2021

INF Camille Claudel France, Erasmus+, Influential, Lycée

INF Camille Claudel

Each student researches Camille Claudel : her family , her childhood , her rebellious character , her links with...

8 Août 2021

VIC Advocacy on parity France, Erasmus+, Lycée, Victims

VIC Advocacy on parity

Throughout the year, students have accumulated knowledge about gender inequality in different topics through reading,...

8 Août 2021

VIC A Norwegian play : A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen France, Erasmus+, Victims, Lycée

VIC A Norwegian play : A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen

The students first read and studied the play in French class, they worked particularly on : *the construction of...

8 Août 2021

OOD Women as objects of consumption France, Erasmus+, Objects of desire, Lycée

OOD Women as objects of consumption

The students read an article written by a French academician, Bruno Rigolt , Doctor of Letters and Humanities,...

8 Août 2021

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