VIC- Sexism - Stop it!

Description: After researching for information about gender equality & women’s empowerment movements, students decided to make handmade bracelets with meaningful sentences, calling people’s attention for the problem. Sexism and discriminatory stereotypes remain widespread, and affect women’s education and participation in the economy and in public life. There is still a long way to go. Don’t stop!


Results :

An act, a word, and an image, even a gesture can make the difference. Therefore, the bracelets made by the students and given during the mobilities was a way of calling everyone’s attention to the work that still has to be done. Some of the sentences, words and images were exhibited at the library school hall. To put an end to sexism, sexist exploitation, and oppression and to achieve full gender equality in law and in practice is still a long way to go.

VIC- Sexism - Stop it!
VIC- Sexism - Stop it!
VIC- Sexism - Stop it!
VIC- Sexism - Stop it!
VIC- Sexism - Stop it!
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