Sector Giving Life and Educating - GIV

Famous couples

Writing, creative skills; linguistic and communication skills; empathy


The teacher presented a picture with different couples; this image was used as a brainstorming to discuss the idea of ​​love, couple, celebrity.


Teacher proposed a foray into the past;  different eras in history, different couples from different fields were approached. Students choose different famous couples: celebrity, movies, TV cartoon, Disney.


At the end, teacher ask students to use the mentimeter code for the final presentation: „Couples Who Changed the World”. Students wrote about: Martin Luther King, Jr. and Coretta Scott King/ Robert Rauschenberg and Jasper Johns/ Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre/Mildred and Richard Loving/ Marie and Pierre Curie/ Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera/ Jane Addams and Mary Rozet Smith.


​​​​​​​mentimeter presentations

GIV Famous couples
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